

Enhance your customers’ user experience. 
Increase trust and credibility. Increase brand visibility.

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Increase in customer retention for clients

Secured E-payment

Zippy understands that security is of utmost importance for online businesses, which is why Zippy eCommerce uses the latest encryption technologies to protect data and transactions.

Online Purchasing

“I see it, I got it.” Let customers be only a few clicks away from purchasing an item(s) they liked on your website or mobile app. Reduce cart abandonment and increase sales online through convenient online purchasing.

Analytics and Visualization

Want to find out about your online sales trends? User traffic analytics? Our cloud-based system enables you to easily view your business’s mobile app or website performance.

Inventory Management and Product Management

Have an eagle’s view over your inventory movements from online sales, as well as over your website’s or mobile app’s features. Contact our team if you have any questions on these features.

Promotion Management

Give customers a reason to feel like purchasing to take advantage of a sale or seasonal promotion. Manage promotions with ease through Zippy’s system, wherever you are.

Customer Loyalty Management

Keep your customers hyped to remain part of your community! Reward their engagements with your business to increase retention, loyalty and referrals.


Let’s Work Together!

Want more information? Contact us to set up a discussion on how we can partner your project!

Whatsapp: +65 8482 1888